April 2023 Kindergarten Registration Enrollment If your child will be 5 years old on or before Sept. 30, 2023 they are eligible for Kindergarten. If your child has NEVER attended West Elementary Your first step to Kindergarten Registration is to fill out Final Forms -which is the online portion of registration. To begin, sign in to: https://washingtonnile-oh.finalforms.com/students If you already have older students enrolled in our district, you can add your Kindergarten student to your account. Make sure you are on the 2023-24 school year. If you do not, choose New Account under the Parent heading to complete Finalforms. Again, make sure you are on the 2023-24 school year. After completing Finalforms, you will be contacted within a few days by email with a list of documents required to set up an appointment for your child’s Kindergarten screening. Screenings for NEW to West students will be May 24th from 11:30 am -6:30 pm and May 25th from 9am – 3:30 pm. We will have more information for you then. Preschool students moving to Kindergarten for 2023-24 You do not need to complete registration online and you do not need to set up an appointment for assessment. It will be done during the school day before school lets out. Around June 6th you will receive an email with instructions on how to update your child’s Finalforms for the 2023-24 school year, what documents you will need to bring and how the new year will begin. Please make sure we have a working email address for you by emailing: sandy.hart@westsenators.org from your preferred email address. Please list your child’s name, address & birthdate in the email. We look forward to meeting you!
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Summer is just around the corner! If you're interested in your student(s) attending Senator Summer Camp (our district summer-school program), please take a moment to fill out this short interest survey. This year's summer school dates will be from July 10th to August 3rd. https://wnls.pw/summercamp
almost 2 years ago, WNLS District
Friday, March 31st, we will be having a fundraiser to support the family of the child involved in the accident this weekend. Our theme will be: "West Kids Wear Blue for Wyatt." (He attended East schools). We are asking for a donation of any amount. We need to show our Senator spirit as we support this family in their time of need. #WeAreWest!
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
WNLSD students will be dismissed 2 hours early on Friday, March 31st to allow for teacher professional development. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Washington-Nile Local Schools will be operating under a 2-hour delay on Thursday, March 2, 2023. Go Senators!
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Read Across America Week!
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
There will be no Beyond the Bell this week, February 22-23. The program will resume Monday, February 27th. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
PWES parents and guardians, PLEASE do not send Valentine gifts to your child at school tomorrow. We end up getting latex balloons, glass vases, and huge flower arrangements the students cannot take on the bus or carry by themselves. You are more than welcome to send in prepackaged treats for the class, candy, cupcakes, etc., that way no child gets left out. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
PWES Parents and Guardians, Due to some unforeseen bus issues, many of our bus routes will be at least 20 minutes late this afternoon. Please be patient with us and we will get your children home safely as soon as possible. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Due to a wreck on Rt. 125, Phyllis Rice's bus will be at least 20-30 minutes late for pick-up.
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Parents and Guardians, Concerning the morning dropoff and the afternoon pickup: PLEASE do not park and walk your child to the side door or come to the door for pickup. The procedure is to get in line and follow the line of cars to the drop off entrance. It is not safe or fair for people to bypass the line. The teachers on duty are there to make sure the procedures are followed-especially to keep kids safe. #WeAreWest! #safetyfirst
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
The WNLSD is NOT on a two hour delay; the radio announcement was incorrect.
almost 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
"Beyond the Bell" session 2 will begin on January 17th, 2023 and last until April 28th, 2023. This program starts at 3:30 p.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Monday -Thursday. Students receive enrichment in Language Arts and Math as well as help with homework. If you are interested in your student attending this program, please message their teacher for an application. If students have already attended session 1 they will not be required to fill out another application. For more information please contact Sheree Crandall @ 740-858-3892 or by email @sheree.crandall@westsenators.org.
about 2 years ago, Kristie Fannin
The Swan bus (Sherry Hileman is the driver) will be leaving the school at 2:45 instead of 3:10, so the students will be arriving home early.
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Parents and Guardians, Beyond the Bell will start back on January 17th.
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Parents and Guardians, We are entering the season when we could encounter inclement weather. It is very important to make sure your Final Forms are up to date with phone numbers and contacts. Thank you in advance for your help!
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Attention Parents of PWES students-students who live on Upper Twin, 52 West of Upper Twin, Lower Twin, Tram Road, Kinskey Lane, Tipton Lane, Wamsley Road and Ziegler Lane will be arriving home 30-35 minutes early. This will be for Monday only. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter.
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Reindeer Games!
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
The Third and Fourth Grade Christmas Program will be this evening, December 15th, at 6:00 pm. Doors 9 and 10 will open at 5:40 (on the Rt. 52 side of the building). Please use those doors and not the main entrance. Students should report to the cafeteria by 5:45. It is going to be a great evening and we cannot wait to see you there!
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
The First and Second Grade Christmas Program will be tonight, December 13th, at 6:00. Students should report to the cafeteria at 5:45. Doors 9 and 10, on the Rt. 52 side of the building will, be open at 5:45 for parent access. We hope you all are able to come to help us celebrate the Christmas season.
about 2 years ago, Linda Shaw