As of November 9, PK through 12 will be going to school 2 days a week. Students will be divided into two groups.
Group A students will attend school in person on Monday and Tuesday. Group A students will be remote on Wednesday and Thursday. Group A students live from the Highway 52 end of Careys Run to Lett Terrace.
Group B students will attend school in person on Wednesday and Thursday. Group B students will be remote on Monday and Tuesday.
Group B students live on Careys Run down to Buena Vista.
ALL students will be remote on Fridays.
Your child's teacher will be sending you a DOJO message with the days your child will attend. Thank you for your support as we make these changes in order to keep our students safe!
The Ohio Governor’s Imagination Library is starting a new chapter in early childhood literacy across Ohio. Through a partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to put more books in the hands of Ohio’s children, we are working to ensure that every student enters kindergarten ready to succeed. As a part of this exciting program, we offer monthly updates on book delivery as well as reading tips to help your child get the most out of their Imagination Library tips. A free book per month will be sent to your child after enrollment. Click the link below to enroll your children from birth to age 5:
This training is for any parent that wishes to learn about Google Classroom. Teachers will be using Google Classroom to post their lessons, assignments, and activities. Students will utilize Google Classroom both at school and the three days of remote learning. If school is closed for an extended period of time during the 2020-2021 school year, all students will use Google Classroom while at home. We are excited to offer training to make the transition from school to home easier. All training sessions will be held at Portsmouth West Elementary School. Please register for a training on a date and time below. Each session will have a limited number of participants permitted. Please limit your registration to one parent per family. Thank you!
This training is for any parent that wishes to learn about Google Classroom. Teachers will be using Google Classroom to post their lessons, assignments, and activities. Students will utilize Google Classroom both at school and the three days of remote learning. If school is closed for an extended period of time during the 2020-2021 school year, all students will use Google Classroom while at home. We are excited to offer training to make the transition from school to home easier. All training sessions will be held at Portsmouth West Elementary School. Please register for a training on a date and time below. Each session will have a limited number of participants permitted. Please limit your registration to one parent per family. Thank you!
PWES Parents/Guardians:
We want to insert a little joy into the lives of our students, so we are going to have Halloween parties next week, Monday (October 26th for Group A Third and Fourth Grade) and Wednesday (October 28th for Group B Third and Fourth Grade and Grades PK-2), all at 2:00. Students will be allowed to wear a costume to school; no blood, weapons or face paint please. If they have a costume mask, they may bring it to wear during the party, but face masks must be worn the rest of the day. We are unable to allow parent visitors due to COVID, but we will make this as exciting as possible for our little ones! The PTC will provide punch and cookies, and many of our staff members will dress up as well. Thank you for everything you do to support us; we are so very thankful for all of our parents and guardians! #WeAreWest!
Parents and Guardians:
ALL students enrolled in Portsmouth West Elementary, in person or virtual, are responsible for completing their classroom assignments by the due date given. When a student does not complete an assignment, he/she earns a 0 and is counted absent for that day. Please help us by contacting your child's teacher if you have questions.
Scioto County is now on Level Red, which means:
1. Grades 3-12 will attend on a 50% rotation. Students will report 1 day a week for face to face instruction. The remaining 4 days will be remote learning.
2. Grades PK-2 will attend at 100% two days per week (Monday and Wednesday) . Other days will be on-line.
3. Groups will be determined by geographical area. Group “A” will attend school in person on Monday. Group “B” will attend on Wednesday. All students will learn remotely on Friday.
4. In order to balance student attendance, students opened enrolled from Portsmouth City School District will attend on Monday. All other open enrolled students will attend on Wednesday.
For additional questions, please see the District Plan on the website under the COVID Portal.
Parents and guardians,
We are still working to improve the pick-up process at PWES. Beginning Monday, we are going to dismiss Preschool and their siblings to Door 5 (back of the school) at 2:50. We hope this helps to alleviate the long lines out front. Please follow the schedule; right now we have several people coming an hour or more early and this adds to the congestion. Preschool and siblings: Door 5 at 2:50
Kindergarten, first and second and siblings at 3:10, Door 10, and Grades 3 and 4 will dismiss at Door 5 at 3:25. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation, we will get through this together! #WeAreWest!
Beginning Monday, September 14th, we will be asking parents of third and fourth grade students to pick up their children at the back door of the school, door 5 at 3:25. PLEASE do not come early due to Middle School dismissal procedures. Kindergarten, first and second grade students along with their siblings will continue to be dismissed at 3:10 at door 10. In order to decrease the congestion on our campus and Highway 52, please arrive at the designated times. We really appreciate your cooperation. #WeAreWest
PWES parents,
Thank you for your patience with drop off and pick up. It will get smoother each day. Please remember k-1 and siblings dismiss at 3:10 and 2-4 is at 3:25.
Parents and Guardians,
Please check to make sure that all of your child’s FinalForms are completed before Tuesday. The link can be found on the school website at
Thank you and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Parents and Guardians,
We will be using a number based system for parent pick-ups this year. We are having car rear view mirror hangers made but they are not ready. You will receive an index card with your family number when you drop your child off Tuesday. If they ride the bus, we will send the numbers home with each family. We ask that you remain in your cars for drop offs and pick-ups (we will come to you) and please be patient with us as we work together to keep everyone safe. Thank you in advance! # WeAreWest!
August 31, 2020
Due to COVID restrictions, Portsmouth West Elementary school will not be providing a latchkey service until further notice. The building will be open for students at 8:15 a.m. daily. Visitors will not be permitted to enter the building. Middle School and High School students will not be allowed to enter the building at the end of the day.
Student temperatures will be taken as they enter the building, before they enter the classroom and again right before lunch. An Isolation Room will be set up for any students who present with a temperature of 100.4 or greater. At that time, parents will be notified to pick up their child from school.
Masks are required for all students, grades K-4. Teachers will be required to wear a mask and a face shield. Social distancing will be practiced at all times, whether in the classroom, hallway or cafeteria. Desks in classrooms are spaced six feet apart.
We will not be accepting ANY bus changes over the phone. Your child must ride the same bus morning and afternoon. No students will be permitted to ride home with a friend or relative unless that is a permanent arrangement.
At the end of the day, pick-ups for grades Kindergarten and First and any sibling pairs will be at Door 9 (Art Room) from 3:10-3:30. Second grade through fourth grade pick-ups will be at Door 10 (Music Room) from 3:25-3:45. We ask that all parents remain in your car, students will be brought to you. All students will be assigned a number. Each student will receive 2 numbers for vehicles to display in order to pick up their child.
Students may pack their own lunch or get a tray from the cafeteria. Lunch will be in the cafeteria, with social distancing, during the orange and yellow designations. Breakfast will be provided also; students may pick that up and take it to their classroom to eat.
The staff at PWES is working diligently to make sure every child is offered a safe, comfortable, positive place to learn and grow. We are so excited to begin the year!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me or Mrs. Kegley at 740-858-1116.
Linda Shaw
Good afternoon!
Portsmouth West Re-Opening Plan is located on the school website under the COVID Portal. As of today, we will begin in ORANGE.
Preschool through 2nd Grade will be going to school Monday through Thursday with remote learning Friday.
3rd and 4th grade will be split into two different groups.
Group A will be at school on Monday and Tuesday. Group A will have remote learning on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Group A will be from the Highway 52 end of Carey's Run to Lett Terrace. Group A will also include all open enrollment students from Portsmouth City Schools.
Group B will be at school on Wednesday and Thursday. Group B will have remote learning on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Group B students live on Carey's Run down to Buena Vista. Group B will also include all other open enrollment students.
Class lists will be posted on the school doors Friday, August 28th at 3:00 p.m.
FinalForms has been launched for the district. All parents should have received an email from FinalForms for you to register your account. All school forms, including athletic eligibility forms, need to be completed using FinalForms. ALSO, Kindergarten registration will be completed through Final Forms. If you did not receive the email, please contact Mr. Jordan at
PWES Supply Lists
PWES Parents:
Pre-Kindergarten through grade 2 elementary students will be attending 4 days per week, in person, on the ORANGE district plan. Grades 3 and 4 will be on the 50% plan. Again, unless you signed your child up for remote learning, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will be attending Monday through Thursday, in person, on the ORANGE district plan. Friday will be remote learning. Grade 3 and 4 will follow the 50% schedule as outlined in our plan.
Students and Parents whom applied for the Senator Virtual Learning Academy:
Acceptance notices have been sent to students and parents whom have been accepted into the Senator Virtual Learning Academy. Notices were sent by e-mail to students in grades 5-12 and through standard US mail to students K-4. Please read these notices carefully as they contain important information regarding the next steps required to get started with online learning. More information will be forthcoming regarding orientation and course participation. If you have further questions please contact your students school.
Good Afternoon!
We are making a lot of preparations to start our school year. In the near future, you will be getting information about busing, dismissal, remote learning and daily routines. The first day of school for students will be September 8. If you haven't had the opportunity, please visit the COVID Portal on the school website. You will find the districts Reopening Plan and Frequently Asked Questions. We are making sure we have in place and can maintain all safety protocols to have a successful start to the school year. Have a great day and we can't wait to see you! #WeAreWest
Parents of incoming Kindergarten students, 7th graders, and Seniors- Don’t forget to get your child’s required school immunizations before school begins on Tuesday, September 8th. Vaccinations are available at your Doctor’s office, Health Department, Kroger, Walmart, and CVS.