Parent-Teacher Club Meeting!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Just a few reminders for you Fundraiser orders are due tomorrow, Tuesday, Sept. 27th Parent/Teacher conferences are this Thursday, Sept. 29th from 1-6:30 PM Next week is Spirit/Homecoming Week! Please check out the attached flyer for daily dress-up themes!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
PWHS Cheerleading Camp When: Wednesday September 14 Thursday September 15 Time: 3:15 to 5:00. Cost: $35 which includes a T-shirt, a bow and snack Participants will be escorted to the high school Participants will be provided with a snack and water Participants will perform with the high school cheerleaders on Friday September 16 before the game Participants do not need to be a current cheerleader to attend the camp Forms must be signed before the camp. I will be at the high school on Tuesday from 5 to 7 in the front parking lot . with the forms. Please contact me if you have any questions. Robin Hileman (740). 961-2498
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
PWES lunch menus will be posted on the website weekly.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Important! Parents and Guardians: PLEASE remember to update your child's emergency contacts on Final Forms. Your child WILL NOT be released to any individual not listed on that form. Safety first! #WeAreWest!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
To the families of the Preschool parents that have been accepted into the program: Letters have been mailed with beginning of the year information. Preschool orientation will be held on August 17th at 6 pm. The orientation will last approximately one hour; attendance is VERY important. Preschool's first day will be August 29th.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Portsmouth West Elementary will be having an Open House on August 16th from 6-7:00 p.m. Students' first day of school will be Wednesday, August 17th. IMPORTANT! Students will need to be in their classrooms by no later than 8:30 a.m. Students will be counted as tardy on or after 8:31 a.m. (after the first few days). PLEASE read the Student Handbook carefully as the late arrival/early dismissal policy is explained in detail there. The doors will open at 8:05 for parent drop-off at Door #10. Afternoon dismissal will begin at approximately 3:15 for grades K-2. Parent pick-ups and drop-offs will continue to be at Door #10; parents MUST stay in the car and in line, and your student pick-up number needs to be displayed. Grades 3 and 4 will be picked up at the rear of the school, Door #5, at 3:20. It is going to be a FANTASTIC year!! #WeAreWest!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Open House will be held August 16th from 6-7 pm. It is going to be a fantastic year! #WeAreWest!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
West Elementary Preschool is still accepting applications for the upcoming school year. Applications are available at our website or in the elementary office. Deadline to apply is AUGUST 26. Any openings after August 26 may be filled with a tuition option. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Preschool children must be 4 years of age by September 30, must not be eligible for kindergarten, meet all eligibility guidelines, and must be potty trained. A copy of the birth certificate must be submitted with application. 2. Gross family income must be at or below 200% on Federal Poverty Guidelines. Family must provide documentation with application. Two consecutive paystubs or 1040 annual tax report will be accepted. 3. Completed application.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
IMPORTANT note for all parents and guardians: You MUST complete Final Forms in order to view your child's classroom placement. After you have completed all of the required forms and signed off on them, you will be able to see what classroom teacher your child will have this year. The classroom lists will NOT be posted on the building doors this year. Thank you!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Attention Summer School Parents: The July 21st field trip will be to Carter Caves State Park. Students will return to school at approximately 3:30 pm. You MUST pick your child up at school. The morning buses will run as usual, but there will be no afternoon bus service. Students will be provided a sack lunch.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
West Elementary Preschool is still accepting applications for the upcoming school year. Applications are available at our website or in the elementary office. Deadline to apply is AUGUST 26. Any openings after August 26 may be filled with a tuition option. Eligibility Requirements: 1. Preschool children must be 4 years of age by September 30, must not be eligible for kindergarten, meet all eligibility guidelines, and must be potty trained. A copy of the birth certificate must be submitted with application. 2. Gross family income must be at or below 200% on Federal Poverty Guidelines. Family must provide documentation with application. Two consecutive paystubs or 1040 annual tax report will be accepted. 3. Completed application.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Please remember that if you live outside of the Washington-Nile Local School District, you must complete an open enrollment form each year. These forms may be located on the Portsmouth West Elementary web page, under documents, then enrollment. The completed forms should be turned in to the Central Office, located in the High School.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Attention Summer School Parents and Guardians: Wednesday's field trip kids will return to school at approximately 3:00; you MUST pick up your kids at school as no buses will be running in the afternoon. Friday's field trip kids will return to school at approximately 7:00; again, no buses will be running so your child MUST be picked up at school. Students will be provided a sack lunch both days, and for the COSI trip, they will receive a snack before they leave. It's going to be an exciting week! #WeAreWest!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Summer School Parents: Friday's field trip To Serpent Mound has been postponed due to inclement weather. Mr. Hoover has re-scheduled the Serpent Mound trip for Wednesday of next week and COSI for Friday. 2 field trips in one week, YAY!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Parents and Guardians: We hope you are having a wonderful summer break so far! Please help us by making sure your child did not bring a Chromebook or IPAD home; we are missing quite a few. If you do have one, you can drop it off here at the Elementary from 8-3 during the week, just ring the doorbell when you come through the first door. Thank you in advance for your help!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
Washington-Nile Local Schools will be dismissing Wednesday, May 25 at 11:30. Let's show our West Side pride and be there to support our girls and coaches!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
FYI - we will have a two hour early dismissal for students on 5/26, students’ last day of school.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
It’s that time of year again. The West Portsmouth Sider Youth Sports is starting sign up for Peewee Football for Kindergarten to 6th grade. Please check the flyer that was sent home with your child with information to sign up. If you could, please sign up now so they can get a head count on what is needed this season. If you have any question please contact Jesse Yazell at 740-464-5706.
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw
PWES Parents and Guardians, Today is the LAST day for the Beyond the Bell After School Program. Thank you so much for all of your support!
over 2 years ago, Linda Shaw