The Blood Drive is still going on today until 1:30 pm! Please consider giving.

Congratulations to our newly selected basketball homecoming queen and her court: Queen Brooklyn Pitts, Senior Attendant Jadyn Hedge, SCCTC Attendant Mylei McGuire, Junior Attendant Payton Howard, Sophomore Attendant, Maleah Whitman, and Freshman Attendant Shawna Walker

Come to the Trivia Night fundraiser on November 19th and support the 2025 prom! Tickets are $10.00 and Ribber dining tickets are available for $12.00. Email Mrs. Smalley (alison.smalley@westsenators.org) if you have any questions.

Upcoming PWHS events:
Dec. 11 - FAFSA/Financial Aid Night @ 6pm
Dec. 12 - CCP Informational Meeting @ 6pm

Update for this week's football game: Presale tickets for Friday's game vs. Wheelersburg are on sale at the high school until 2:30 Friday... the cost is $6.00. One dollar from each ticket sale will go to the UCAN scholarship fund.

Our Senator Community has been asked to help with donations for the people affected by the recent hurricane that devastated the Applachian Mountains region of North Carolina.
See here for details on how you can help: https://www.westsenators.org/article/1806420

Let's celebrate the football homecoming all week!
1. check out and participate in the costume/dress themes each day
2. the parade is Thursday at 8 pm at PWHS
3. the homecoming ceremony will be at halftime of the game
4. the dance will be immediately following the game and end at 11 pm

Due to power outages and poor road conditions, all Washington-Nile Local Schools will be operating on a TWO-HOUR DELAY for Monday, September 30, 2024.

Tonight's high school football game with Minford has been cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 28th, at 7:00pm.

Parents of students entering 12th grade:
The Ohio Department of Health (per Ohio revised code 3313.67)
A second dose of the Meningococcal vaccine (Serogroup A, C, W, and Y).
*If your student received their first dose on or after their 16th birthday, a second dose is not required.
Vaccinations should be received prior to entry of the first day of the school and no later than the 14th day of school:
September 5, 2024
As with other school immunization requirements,
students without proof of required vaccinations after this date are subject to exclusion from school.
Please contact your child’s physician or the Scioto County Health Department (740)355-8358 to make an appointment. Immunizations are also provided at many local pharmacies.
Please forward the record to the school office when your child receives his/her immunization and it will be placed in their health file. It may also be faxed directly to Portsmouth West High School at (740)858-3054.
**Please note: There is also a vaccine for Meningococcal Serogroup B which does not satisfy or replace the state vaccine requirement. This is a different and optional vaccine**

Congratulations to the Portsmouth West Class of 2024! Our seniors graduated Friday and are now off to do great things! 🧡🖤
Linked are the Senior Newsletter and "Then and Now" video

Congratulations to Emily Moore, Kate Rollins, Kaylor Pickelsimer, and Maci Bradford

Important Graduation Information!
Due to the weather forecast of rain on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the 2024 Commencement Ceremony will be held in the gymnasium Friday evening at 7:00 PM. Seniors will each get 2 floor seating tickets to pass out to whomever they choose. These tickets will allow the recipient a seat on the gymnasium floor. All other guests will have festival-style seating in the bleachers.

The administration and staff would like to invite you to the Portsmouth West High School
Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2024. The ceremony will take place Friday, May 24th in the stadium at 7:00 pm. The rain dates are: Saturday, May 25th in the stadium at 7:00 pm; Sunday, May 26th, in the gymnasium, at 2:00 pm.
If weather conditions precipitate a Sunday, May 26, 2:00 pm graduation indoors, seniors will each get 2 floor seating tickets to pass out to whomever they choose. These tickets will allow the recipient a seat on the gymnasium floor. All other guests will have festival-style seating in the bleachers.

All Portsmouth West Seniors and Parents (including SCCTC)
From Mrs. Copley: It’s that time! Graduation is around the corner, and I’d like to create a slideshow to run the hour before the ceremony starts (since graduation is outside, this may pose a problem of it running on a screen. If so, there will be a YouTube video that I will post on the website). The slideshow will have the theme of “then and now,” and, thus, we will need a baby (birth to age 4ish) picture and a current picture (one baby, one current). They can be either digital files (jpg, jpeg, png), printed pictures, or a combination of both. Please NO HEIC files or Google docs. Send digital files to kristie.copley@westsenators.org and print photos to Mrs. Copley, PWHS librarian. Because it takes a considerable amount of time to scan and save that number of image files, all pictures must be submitted to Mrs. Copley by Friday, May 10.

SOMC is in search of teens who are interested in volunteering for SOMC's Summer Junior Volunteer Program. This exciting program offers teens a first-hand experience of working in the healthcare field and also provides community service hours for school requirements.
This program runs from June 10 - August 2 and requires a minimum of two to four hours per week from each volunteer. Junior Volunteers are responsible for many tasks including running errands, helping in various departments, as well as various clerical duties. After gaining valuable work experience, the juniors are rewarded for their diligent efforts with a letter of recommendation and a certificate of completion.
Students age 16-18 may apply for the program. The deadline for applications is May 6, 2024. Please see Mr. Conrad for an application packet.

Senators, On Monday, April 8, 2024, at roughly 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM, we will experience a total solar eclipse. Totality (darkness) will last between 2 to 4 minutes. A total solar eclipse is a rare and spectacular event. The last total solar eclipse visible in Ohio was in 1806. The next total solar eclipse in Ohio will be in the year 2099. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event. Due to the Total Solar Eclipse, Washington-Nile Local Schools will be dismissing early on April 8, 2024. • High School/Middle School will be dismissed at 11:45. • Elementary School will be dismissed at 12:45. • Extracurricular Activities/Athletic practices and home contests may begin at 5:00. • Buses traveling to extracurricular activities/athletic contests may leave at 4:30. Safety tips and information about the eclipse can be found at: https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Learning-in-Ohio/Science/Resources-for-Science/2024-Solar-Eclipse/solar-eclipsafety-tips-one-pager.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US. Viewing glasses will be distributed to each student. All Washington-Nile Local School District Staff will be on a regular schedule. After student dismissal, teachers will have the remainder of the day to address the OIP and complete any necessary professional development. Building principals will distribute schedules.

Reminder for seniors: In-house scholarships must be turned in to the guidance office by the end of the school day today, 3/22.

Here is the board-approved Washington-Nile Local School District calendar for the 2024-2025 school year https://5il.co/2ftbm

Seniors: In-House Scholarships are now open. All in-house scholarships must be turned in to the guidance office by the end of the school day March 22. Please review the eligibility criteria for each scholarship. Also, scholarship application responses may be typed (using Kami or any other appropriate app) or handwritten (must be neat and legible).
Please note that these scholarships are reliant on donors, who may pull the scholarship at their discretion or may not have the funds to donate this year. I will try to keep you updated with any known scholarship deletions/removals as soon as I am notified. Good luck!
~Mrs. Copley